


Most domestic fires are caused by carelessness. They can happen when you are cooking or when you forget to blow out the candles, for instance. So always make sure you don’t forget to blow out your candles and turn off electrical appliances when not in use. You can find more information about this on the fire department website.

What to do in case of fire:

  1. Try to put out the fire with the closest fire extinguisher​, but only if this won't get you into a dangerous situation . If not:
  2. Press the alarm in the hallway. The alarm wil go off in the whole building.
  3. Leave the building as quick as possible. Do not use the elevator!
  4. Call 112 and follow the given instruction.

It may occur that a fire alarm is false. Always treat it like it's a real fire alarm to guarantee your own safety and your fellow roommates' safety.