KEYless help


KEYless help

The old Bluechip system has been replaced by iLoq. The iLoq system works with PIN code readers and with digital cylinders. Both are controlled from this app.

The outside doors of the building and the bicycle shed on the 1st floor are fitted with pin pads, the inner door to the bicycle shed and the outside door to the bicycle shed on the ground floor are fitted with digital cylinders.

All residents have been able to receive tags, the tags ONLY work on the pinpads, not on the cylinders, which must be opened with the phone.
pin code reader
digital cylinder PIN code reader

The pincode reader uses a 5-digit pincode that changes weekly. You can find the PIN code under the My Keys section in the app (on the homepage of your building). Enter the PIN and then press #

To open the digital cylinder you have to hold your phone against the black knob, scan it and turn it open by hand. You can find out more about how to do this and where exactly you should scan in How does it work.

Later this year, you will also be able to open the PIN code reader by scanning it, just like the cylinders. You will hear it once it's possible.

There is a charging station in the hallway. So if your phone battery is completely down you can charge here so you can open the doors.

To use your own phone as a digital key you must have registered it. If you did not register yet, please do so now at 'Register keys', on the homepage of your building.